Visual processing skills plays an important role in organising and interpreting the information that is seen and give it meaning. Our eyes continuously send large amount of information to our brains to process. Hence it is important for our eyes to send proper information in a way that makes sense, the brain can then process it, thus allowing us to form thoughts, make decisions, and create action. Visual Closure is the skill that allows us to detect, differentiate, select, draw conclusions and understand information when we are only given certain pieces of information, rather than the entire account, story or explanation.
CFU - Visual Closure is the ability of the eyes to visualise a complete image or object when only a portion is seen. It is the brain's ability to recognise a familiar item, word or picture when only shown a small part of it. It's the way the mind uses past information to "fill in the blanks" to envision the whole. A child can see just part of a letter or number when reading and recognise how to write that figure or read fluently.
Students fail in learning situations - often because they do not have the prerequisite intellectual abilities. CFU is one of them that plays an important role in learning new information, CFU is a foundational ability for reading since it plays a key role in letter recognition. CFU is measuring a cognitive representation of physiological visual processing.
Importance CFU - (Aiming at the target) it is the ability where the eyes are able to come together and sustain focus while completing a reading or writing task. This ability is necessary to quickly view objects and mentally determine what they are before we see the entire object.
Children need adequate visual closure perceptual skills to function properly in school and at home. If you have concerns about your child's visual skills, be sure to start out by having your child undergo a thorough vision examination by an optometrist or an ophthalmologist (medical doctor). If your child has difficulties with visual closure skills try using a multi-sensory approach to learning new material (i.e. allow the child to touch, move and manipulate objects to better visually understand the information). Here are some activities to help a child develop visual closure skills:
With SOI, we are able to identify the problem through a series of cognitive, sensory and visual assessments and screenings. The best news is, we just don't identify. We have a systematic remedy for the same.