About Screener
The test diagnoses learning difficulties in ten areas-from Auditory/Visual, Perception to Cognitive areas. It consists of 10 sub-tests. It is administered on the age group 8-11 years old. A deficit in any of the area or areas or a combination of any, would lead to a learning problem.
Helping schools; teachers and parents pro-actively identify, locate and evaluate all students who may
have learning disabilities and may need early intervention or special education services.
For students who exhibit the following signs and symptoms:
• Becomes easily frustrated and lacks motivation.
• Has difficulty staying on task and takes longer than normal to complete written work
• Has difficulty following directions
• Seems to work longer and harder with little or no improvement or Is no longer organized and forgets projects and tests dates
• Turns in incomplete homework or none at all
• Makes frequent and careless errors
• Seems to have trouble with note-taking skills
• Struggles with basic reading, writing,math, or spelling skills
• Has difficulty remembering and does not retain learned skills
• Receives notes home from teachers about classroom misconduct